Judy Mauer
Judy and husband Chaim Aharoni
right to left are:
Rotem (girl, some people couldn't tell because of the hat and pants) will be 24
this summer, Maor (derived from Mauer) will be 22 in May, just finished army
(Givati); Shachar will be 19 in May, hasn't started army service yet, Hadar was
just 16 (going on 21); Shir will be 11 this summer, and Gil was just 7. (The
little Yemenite boy is our best friend's son Noam who is in between Shir and
Mom's 80th birthday
Judy and her four oldest children at Maor's
swearing-in ceremony at the Kotel.
Bar-B-Que on 5/12/05
Judy & family before Shabbat.